[packman] [PM] vlc 0.8.5 (SuSE 10.1/x86_64)

Stefan Wilmking stefan.wilmking at web.de
Mon Jun 5 06:47:50 CEST 2006

yes detlef you're right. i'm talking about vlc-mozilla-plugin.
and is there a plan when it will be avalible vor suse 10.1 i586 ?
kind regards

Am Sonntag, den 04.06.2006, 11:51 +0200 schrieb Detlef Reichelt:

> Hi Rainer,
> Am Sonntag, 4. Juni 2006 11:34 schrieb Rainer Lay:
> > Are you talking about mplayerplug-in?
> no, vlc-mozilla-plugin
> Detlef

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