[packman] Package libxine

Icos Lau icoslau at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 13 00:28:14 CEST 2006


My name is Adalberto, im live in Brazil, for this sorry for my english.

I have a SuSE Linux 10.1 works pretty fine, but in last hours i try install 
some packages from the packman repositorie, lets me tell you this 
repositorie is a nice feature, many of the packages install fine, but in 
these past hours i cant install the package libxine1-1.1.2-0.pm.0, the error 
is that:

"Err: 3:Package libxine1-1.1.2-0.pm.0 fails integrity check. Do you want to 

I try many mirrors, think has a problem with prior mirror but all return the 
same error.

I like know if its a error in the mirrors (all) or the error is on my 

Thanks a lot,

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