[packman] The Suse 10.1 cannot use your repository

Janusz Zamecki janusz at zamecki.eu
Mon Aug 7 10:50:43 CEST 2006

Hi! I've tried to add your great repository to my system:

rug sa -t zypp ftp://packman.links2linux.org/pub/packman/suse/ packman

Adding zypp service...


ERROR: Could not add 'ftp://packman.links2linux.org/pub/packman/suse/':
Failed to parse XML metadata: Can't add repository at
ftp://packman.links2linux.org/pub/packman/suse/: Cannot create the
installation source

It seems that there is some file missing. I can find config files for
other distrubutions (10.0.conf) on your server, but I cannot find the
files for 10.1 distro. Distributions.xml file doesn't contain the 10.1,
nor the server.conf.

Is any other way to automatically download your packages beside using
web browser or ftp client?

Best regards, Janusz

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