[packman] Re: [opensuse] packman for PPC

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Wed Sep 28 21:02:37 CEST 2005

Am Mittwoch 28 September 2005 09:26 schrieb Peter Czanik:

> Manfred Tremmel wrote:
> >Sorry, I've forgott to CC you, so once again:
> Is it possible to subscribe to packman at links2linux.de? And is it a

It is possible:


> large volume mailing list? Ich spreche auch ein bisschen Deutsch :-)

10 mails a day is a very high traffic day. Most males are german, some 
are english.

> Does this list have info, what is changing? For example I sow, that a
> new xmms package came out this night.


> OK. So, if I understand well, I'll have to upload packages to
> somewhere.

The easiest way to repackage packman packages which are build by my 
build script is to use my packman_rebuild.sh script, you can start it 
with architecture and source rpm as parameter (for example 
'packman_rebuild.sh ppc libxine1-1.1.0-12.pm.0.src.rpm'), the package 
will be rebuild, signed, uploaded and the entry in the web interface is 
done automaticly.
Let's talk about details, when your account is set up.

> Now, that I sent my e-mail to suse-ppc, there were some downloads
> (without any feedback yet), so hopefully my packages work ;-)

Nice to here. Some of the xine developers use powerbooks, so it normaly 
is good tested on ppc.

> So, if a -devel package is included, I don't have to include the base
> package explicitly?

Normaly the -devel package should include a dependency to the base 
package. Normaly at the same version, so -devel and base package always 
should be the same version. So 

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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