[packman] powermanga

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Tue Sep 27 20:51:41 CEST 2005

Am Montag, 26. September 2005 18:57 schrieb Peter Czanik:

> It seems to me, that powermanga also has some missing
> "BuildRequires". I tried to build as usual with 'y2pmbuild-10.0', and
> configure first complained for SDL. After that SDL_mixer:

I've added:

Requires:       SDL
Requires:       SDL_mixer
BuildRequires:  SDL
BuildRequires:  SDL-devel
BuildRequires:  SDL_mixer

for next build. Sorry, I'm very lazy in adding BuildRequires. Users 
don't need them and they are often a problem when building for 
different versions (I'm building SUSE 8.2 to 10.0), because package 
names change and devel packages are added or removed. So it is very 
complicated to find entries that work with all the versions I build 

> Can you please fix it, or I better wait until 6th October, and
> provide you with a fix to build it with y2pmbuild? Bye,
> Peter

Simply install SDL_mixer and try again ;-)
If you have installed CD versions (is there a inst-source directory for 
ppc?), it's maybe not part of it. You maybe can recompile from the src 
directory of the IA32/x86_64 inst-source path:


Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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