[packman] packman for PPC

Peter Czanik pczanik at fang.fa.gau.hu
Sat Oct 1 20:41:08 CEST 2005


Manfred Tremmel wrote:

>The easiest way to repackage packman packages which are build by my 
>build script is to use my packman_rebuild.sh script, you can start it 
>with architecture and source rpm as parameter (for example 
>'packman_rebuild.sh ppc libxine1-1.1.0-12.pm.0.src.rpm'), the package 
>will be rebuild, signed, uploaded and the entry in the web interface is 
>done automaticly.
Does it mean, that you don't use y2pmbuild for building packages, but a
home brewn script? As I'm using y2pmbuild now for all the packages, and
that's why I send all those BuildRequires lines, as that's what this
script considers (without any rpm macros or versions at all...). Should
I forget about y2pmbuild and wait for packman_rebuild.sh? Bye,

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