[packman] dvdbackup seems to be busted.

Marshall Heartley marshall.heartley at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 17 17:01:37 CET 2005

Hello, I went to install and use dvdbackup from your site.  Got all 
programs/dependancies for the correct version of my installation from 
the Packman site that was needed to run the program and installed them 
through RPM.

RPM seemed to be happy but dvdbackup was not happy about something.  
Possibly libdvdnav??

Everytime I tried to run it, I got a error.  This is the error that I 

dvdbackup: symbol lookup error: dvdbackup: undefined symbol: UDFFindFile

This happens everytime I try and use dvdbackup.  Any help in resolving 
this would be great!  The version of SUSE that I am using is version 10 
and the 32 bit architecture version.

Thanks for any help that you can provide.  Also I have noticed on a 
different matter that xdvdshrink has another version out. :)  Version 
2.6.1 I think.


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