[packman] transcode and ffmpeg

Sunny sloncho at gmail.com
Sun Dec 18 16:26:18 CET 2005

I did not use recently transcode, but keep updating it using your
apt-get repository.

So, last week I needed to correct some files, and tried to use it, but
it started to fail. So, I tried to investigate, and found out that the
problem persists in 9.1, 9.3 and 10.0 packages both from packman, and

I'm using this command line:

transcode -x mplayer,null -H 10 -i some.avi -w 1200,50 -F mpeg4 -f
25,3 -y ffmpeg -A -o out.avi

I use it to correct some files which my stanalone divx player does not

The output I get is:

[export_ffmpeg.so] Using FFMPEG codec 'mpeg4' (FourCC 'DIVX', MPEG4
compliant video).
[export_ffmpeg.so]: WARNING: Interlacing parameters unknown, use --encode_fields
[export_ffmpeg.so]: INFO: No profile selected
[export_ffmpeg.so] Neither './ffmpeg.cfg' nor '~/.transcode/ffmpeg.cfg'
[export_ffmpeg.so] found. Default settings will be used instead.
[export_ffmpeg.so]: INFO: Starting 1 thread(s)
[export_ffmpeg.so]: INFO: Set display aspect ratio to input
[mpeg4 @ 0x418ec110]only YUV420 is supported
[export_ffmpeg.so] could not open FFMPEG codec
[transcode] warning : (encoder.c) video export module error: init failed
[transcode] critical: failed to init encoder

As far as ffmpeg commandline tool works OK, and can encode this file,
looks like the hook between transcode and libffmpeg, or the module
which uses the lib are broken somehow.

I'll post this on transcode list as well, just in case they know
something, and will keep you informed.

The versions I have are:


I have posted the problem on suse-linux-e list, just to confirm that
this is not only me, and someone wrote that he has the same problem
with the 64bit version of the packages as well.

Cheers, and thanks for all the efforts to make multimedia much more
usable for us :)

Happy holidays.
Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)

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