[packman] Fix for the kaffeine-mozilla package on SUSE 9.3

Rafael Rigues rrigues at linuxmagazine.com.br
Fri Apr 29 05:09:13 CEST 2005


I'm Rafael Rigues, one of the editors of Linux Magazine Brasil 
(www.linuxmagazine.com.br), affiliated with Linux New Media AG.

While writing a review of SUSE LINUX 9.3 I came across kaffeine and the 
kaffeine-mozilla package, which lets you embed the player as a browser 
plug-in. I installed the package found on your website 
(kaffeine-mozilla-0.2-0.pm.0.i586.rpm), but discovered that it does not 
work with Firefox, because it places the plugin on the "wrong" directory.

The package links kaffeineplugin.so to /opt/mozilla/lib/plugins, but for 
Firefox on SUSE 9.3 the correct plugin dir is 
/opt/MozillaFirefox/lib/plugins. Attached to this message you will find 
a modified specfile that fixes the problem by copying the plugin to the 
correct location. After rebuilding the package from the new SPEC 
everything works fine.

I hope that you find this little fix useful.

Best regards,
Rafael Pereira Rigues            | rrigues at linuxnewmedia.com.br
Editor                           | Tel.:  +55 (0) 11 3345 1002
Linux New Media do Brasil Ltda.  | Fax :  +55 (0) 11 3345 1081
http://www.linuxnewmedia.com.br/ | http://www.linuxmagazine.com.br/
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