[packman] pakete für packman

Mathias Homann Mathias.Homann at eregion.de
Wed Nov 24 00:24:03 CET 2004

Hallo Liste,

ich hab da einen ganzen batzen selbstgebauter rpm pakete für suse 9.1, 
die würden sich auf packman recht wohl fühlen... wohin damit?

activeheart-1.2.1-0.mh.suse91.1 - the Active Heart style for KDE 3.2
airsnort-0.2.3c-0.mh.suse91.1 - the airsnort wlan scanner
animenfo-client-gui-gtk-0.1-0.mh.1 - a client app to search 
ether-wake-1.0.8-0.mh.suse91.0 - wake-on-lan stuff
flash-player- - Macromedia Flash plugin
freetype2-2.1.7-53.mh.slight.1 - A TrueType font library
GeoIP-1.3.5-2 - Library to find the country that any IP address 
originates from
gtklife-2.2-0.mh.1 - a gtk life
hexxagon-0.3.2-0.mh.suse91.1 - Ataxx clone
java3d-1.3.1-0.mh.0 - Blackdown Java3D
joe-3.1-0.mh.1 - A Text Editor
kannasaver-1.0-2 - a flashcard screensaver to learn hiragana and 
kderadiostation-0.6-1.mh.suse91.1 - a kde app to choose from known 
streaming stations
kvirc- - Graphical Front-End for IRC
kwin-activeheart-1.1-0.mh.suse91.1 - Active Heart window decorations
nuvola-1.0-1 - the nuvola icon theme for kde
pimpd-0.8-1.mh.fakeident.2 - identd daemon with masquerading support
psi-0.9.2-2.mh.suse91.1 - the psi jabber client
qstat-2.6-1 - Get statistics from on-line game servers
setiathome-3.08-2 - the Seti at Home client for linux i686 and sparc
streamripper-1.60.8-1 - a shoutcast ripper
synaptics-0.13.5-1 - The Synaptics touchpad X driver
systemtrayapplet2-0.40-0 - improved tray applet
xqf-1.0-1 - Quake server browser


gpg key fingerprint: 5F64 4C92 9B77 DE37 D184  C5F9 B013 44E7 27BD 

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