[packman] freemind package for non-existent version?

Gabriel Indurskis indurski at math.uqam.ca
Thu Jan 8 15:45:55 CET 2004

Hash: SHA1

Hi Rainer,

> I received an email from sourceforge with the announcement of the new
> version. 0.7.0 was there and now 0.6.7 is the newest version. This is
> strange! I wrote the freemind author an email about it. Lets see.

that's indeed strange - but where did you get the source for 0.7.0 from
then? I can't see it on the freemind.sf.net page.  Sorry for being so
nosy... ;-)

> > public key is not in the keyfile at
> > ftp://ftp.links2linux.de/pub/packman/public-keys.asc

you might want to add your key there eventually.

> > Independent of this, the rpm demands java2 to be installed, which seems to
> > be not necessary for freemind to run (1.4 should work).
> java2 ist the name of the corresponding SuSE RPM.

yes, true, my mistake (little confusion there about 2 and 1.4.1... ;-)
Nevertheless, most people (including me) will actually have
BlackdownJava2-JRE installed, which works absolutely fine - I'm not sure
if you can set a "require either java2-jre or BlackdownJava2-JRE" in the
rpm?  In either case, the package java2 should not be required, the jre
should suffice.

sorry to bother you with this,
I hope you had a good start into the new year,
with greetings from Montreal,


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gabriel Indurskis *  www.labmath.uqam.ca/~indurski * indurski at math.uqam.ca
Département de mathématiques               Université du Québec à Montréal
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
This sentence contradicts itself; well, no actually it doesn't.
                                                  -- Douglas R. Hofstadter
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