[packman] packages

Marcus Rueckert darix at web.de
Tue Nov 4 23:45:44 CET 2003


i like to add some packages to your archive.
so far i only have "most" online (for suse 9.0) and some older suse 8.2


in the next days ill add (for suse 9.0 mostly):
 - oidentd
 - pure-ftpd 1.0.16c
 - dovecot cvs snapshot (maybe stable)
 - elinks 0.5pre8
 - ratbox ircd
 - middleman latest.

and if i really get bored.
subversion 0.32.


p.s.: please dont release the 8.2 rpms so far. they are still for
testing/private use only.

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