[packman] package for packman,

Manfred Tremmel Manfred.Tremmel at iiv.de
Fri May 23 20:04:40 CEST 2003

Am Freitag, 23. Mai 2003 18:20 schrieb Antonio Cavallo:

> i've been using suse linux since 5,3 and i made some packages
> running under that system: i'm very interested in a collaboration in
> order to include my packages (mostly scientific related) into
> packman. In order to do that i would like to know if there is any
> special "trick" to create the rpm (i'm using mostly hand made spec,
> trying to not use any special suse feature), or any .rpmmacros.

Not realy, but there are some scripts to make live easier. Hendriks 
python script packmanrobot.py automates building, uploading and entry 
into the webinterface. I've written a little bash script to download 
sources, generating spec-files and compile the package in different 
versions and plattforms, using also Hendriks script.
If you've got an account from Marc to packman, you can take a look on 
the scripts, the are available in our home-directories.

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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