[packman] Kodi 21.0 Omega - Update against sound issues on Leap

Masaru Nomiya nomiya at lake.dti.ne.jp
Tue Apr 30 13:52:19 CEST 2024


I'm going to bed, so I'll be brief.

I installed Packman's kodi, started it, and it crashed. The log shows
the following error;

   error <general>: DBus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs

However, if I run kodi with --audio-backend=pulseaudio switch, it
starts and works fine.

In other words, it starts fine with pulseaudio, but fails to start and
crashes with pipewire.

Something is wrong ..... (_ _?

Have you checked the source code?

Best Regards & Good Night.

┏━━┓彡  Masaru Nomiya                       mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp
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