[packman] Introduction

Maurizio Galli maurizio.galli at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 07:48:41 CET 2020

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 2:44 PM Olaf Hering <olaf at aepfle.de> wrote:
> Am Mon, 24 Feb 2020 13:51:07 +0800
> schrieb Maurizio Galli <maurizio.galli at gmail.com>:
> > To my understanding there isn't and nothing actually builds
> You are right.
> I think what you meant to say was that Discord.exe can not be published in OBS because it has (at least) x264 support compiled into the binaries. It could probably be put into 'Extra/discord'.

Not exactly. The tar includes libffmpeg.so with x264 and x265 it which
cannot be included in OBS. Therefore the package replaces libffmpeg.so
with the electron version that does not have x264 and x265 support.
With this modification it was accepted in OBS and Factory.

Maurizio Galli (MauG)

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