[packman] upgrade from 42.1 to 42.3 broke VLC and SMplayer

Rob McCathie korrode at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 08:11:51 CEST 2017

On 15/09/17 13:04, Felix Miata wrote:
> My $HOME is seriously old, at least 8 years. SMPlayer I fixed by simply deleting
> the content of ~/.config/smplayer. :-) No such luck with ~/.config/vlc. :-(

In VLC if you go to Tools->Preferences->Videos and disable GPU assisted 
decoding by unchecking "Accelerated video output (Overlay)" and changing 
"Output" from "Automatic" to "OpenGL GLX video output" and then closing 
and re-opening VLC, does it help the situation with your DVB streams?

What GPU do you have and what driver do you use?

Also you can get more detailed info out of vlc by running it from a 
terminal with the -vvv parameter:
$ vlc -vvv

See what messages appear as you start playing one the videos.


Rob McCathie

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