[packman] Warning I'm submitting dvdauthor to openSUSE

Dave Plater davejplater at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 12:26:10 CEST 2017

Hi, I'm submitting the dvdauthor07 package to openSUSE Factory as
dvdauthor. Packman contains a very old version called dvdauthor as
well as dvdauthor07.
If I look at the web ui I see a host of dependencies:
 	burn_360 devedeng dvdshrink opendvdproducer tovid devede dvdwizard
2ManDVD bombono k9copy kdvdcreator mandvd lxdvdrip ldvd
mytharchive-0_27 mytharchive

I don't understand why all these packages are still using a very old
dvdauthor but if it's necessary then the old dvdauthor should be named

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