[packman] LMMS and Carla

Edgar Aichinger edogawa at aon.at
Tue Jan 12 14:05:57 CET 2016

Hi Guus,

I'm the packager of Carla in OBS. There is one other home project where someone branched my package and updated it to pretty current git, but i got no submit request to incorporate that so far.

Another home project has an independent rpm spec called carla but it does currently not compile for any platform and also is at version 2.0beta4.

I'll try to branch lmms in PMBS and fix this, when I get around to doing so (probably this afternoon or evening GMT+1).

Cheers, Edgar

Am Samstag, 9. Januar 2016, 19:21:21 schrieb guus:
> Hi Guys
> I would like to use Carla with LMMS.
> I installed LMMS from the packman repository, and Carla from the obs.
> Carla does how ever not show up in LMMS.
> Some info but first a pic of what I am not seeing in LMMS:
> https://lmms.io/wiki/index.php?title=Carla
> I of course asked around, to rule out, I was not doing it right.
> This was the answer I got from falkTX, the guy who writes Carla ( a 
> plugin host)
> https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15137
> /falkTX wrote://
> //You need to build carla first (the latest git version) and after that 
> is installed, build lmms.//
> //
> //I have no idea what's on the default opensuse repositories, but it's 
> likely that://
> //1. they're using the old "stable" version//
> //2. lmms was not built with carla pre-installed, thus the carla plugin 
> was not made available.//
> //
> //contact the maintainer of those packages./
> So here I am asking you guys.
> Looking forward to youre reply, (I hope I won't have to compile things 
> myself)
> let me end this request,  by saying I really like the work you guys do 
> for the mutimedia site of openSUSE.
> ( even if youre gonna tell me, I will have to compile carla and lmms myself)
> Friendly regards, Guus
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