[packman] update problems vlc opensuse leap

Wolfgang Bauer e9325712 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Jan 6 16:58:22 CET 2016

Am Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2016, 13:34:10 schrieb Dutch Kind:
> For Opensuse 42.1 Leap my system shows there are updates for vlc
> (2.2.1-129.1) but when I apply them the download fails that the packages
> are not found. Looking at the repo in the browsers shows that there is
> only subversion 130 instead of 129. Also installing manually via YAST fails.

Maybe the mirror you use is in an inconsistent state, in this case this will 
probably fix itself automatically in the next days.
I had the same problem yesterday evening, but was able to install the vlc 
update meanwhile...

If you absolutely *need* to install the update now (although I don't think 
it's that urgent... ;-) ), try a different mirror or download and install the 
packages manually.

The reason could also be an outdated zypper cache though (in particular if the 
repo is not set to Auto-Refresh), try running "sudo zypper ref" to force a 

Kind Regards,

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