[packman] I would like to help

Dmitriy Perlow dap at open.by
Thu Mar 5 19:15:58 CET 2015

Alessio Adamo <alessio.adamo at gmail.com>  Thu, 05 Mar 2015 16:37:32 +0300:

> Hi,
> I'm Alessio and I have just approached Opensuse following to the purchase
> of a Cubox Pro. In the past I have packaged for different Mandriva
> derivatives, and I can lend a hand. I am mostly interested in ARM
> architecture, but of course I would build also for x86.
> Can you please give me directions?
> Thank you.

Hello! You are welcome!

Packaging for openSUSE is really easy, you could register at  
build.opensuse.org (if you still don't have Novell account: f.e.  
forums.o.o) and start experimenting and reading  
https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Build_Service &  

Don't be shy and ask you questions at irc channels and mailing list.

Best regards,
Dmitriy DA(P).DarkneSS Perlow @ Linux x64

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