[packman] SLE 11

Christian chris at chaos.wwserver.net
Sun Nov 17 22:04:54 CET 2013

Am 17.11.2013 21:20, schrieb Cristian Morales Vega:
> On 17 November 2013 18:21, Christian <chris at computersalat.de> wrote:
>> SLE_11 is 'GA' and is obsolete.
>> so you should at least use SLE_11_SP1 to build against.
> This has been announced somewhere?
Do you still get updates for GA? No
have a look here:

>> And just one question left:
>> Why is 'obs' (b.o.o) offering three (SP1-3) to build against, when it
>> would be enough to build just against 'GA' ???
> Because some packages may not build against GA, or not with all the
> features. That's why I suggested disabling, and not deleting the other
> repos.
>> AFAIK the different SLE_11 are NOT binary compatible. darix told me.
> It could be clearer. But my reference is
> http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-packaging/2010-02/msg00081.html
This is a reference for SLE_10. Ask Marcus again what it is about for


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