[packman] Speaking of Packman mirrors...

Lars Vogdt lars at linux-schulserver.de
Mon May 7 20:52:21 CEST 2012

Hi Pascal, Packmans

I hope that every single mirror and every single Bit counts...

As we reduced our own traffic (we "outsourced" much traffic to  
sourceforge.net by providing our openSUSE-Education ISO images there),  
we've currently ~4 TB/Month left until we reach our bandwith limit.

So we can offer to host the packman repository on our server, if you like.
What we already setup for public:


If you like to run a push mirroring, please inform us - or tell us  
your rsync details, so we can start mirroring your repositories.

Keep up the good work and remember to have a lot of fun!

   Lars (in behalf of the openSUSE Education team)

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