[packman] Amarok & mp3-Files

Smartysmart34 smartysmart34 at web.de
Sun Dec 18 20:29:00 CET 2011

> Be sure you made the switch like this
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10573557/Switcher%20Pics/11.4_packman_switch.png
> You might want to check this too
> http://forums.opensuse.org/content/61-re-multi-media-restricted-format-installation-guide.html

Did the first part. No improvement.

What makes me wonder is:
- vlc: disturbed
- SMPlayer: disturbed
- Amarok: disturbed
- Totem: disturbed

So none of my Suse 11.4/64 players is able to play that file.

K3B is able to convert it flawlessly into a Audio CD.

Windows 7 Mediaplayer plays it just fine.
Ubuntu 10.04 plays it.

So I assume this must be some problem with the libraries in Opensuse
11.4. My system has the multimedia-Packs from Packman (doublechecked
with the process shown in the above link) and all Opensuse updates as of
The only issue I had when changing all system files to packman was that
kopete requires an "old" version of linphone due to some
libmediastreamer dependencies. I wonder wether one would need a new
Kopete from Packman to make that work?!?

If required I could mail the problematic file for further analysis.

Kind regards,

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