[packman] Please compile vlc with --enable-run-as-root

Alexander Shaduri ashaduri at gmail.com
Tue May 11 22:12:49 CEST 2010

Hello all,

Could you please use the "--enable-run-as-root" configure flag
when building packages of vlc?

VLC won't run as root at all if compiled without it - this misfeature is
used to "protect" the users from themselves (which is never a good
idea if realized in a such forced way), and it is really really
annoying. I have to run vlc as root sometimes (in no-network mode,
so no security issues there), and this limitation is really getting
in the way.

Right now I have to recompile vlc myself (to make it usable for me)
and it's actually worse because I am reluctant to upgrade it
every time a new version is released, because it would mean
recompiling it again.


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