[packman] wma not functioning in openSUSE-11.2

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Sat Nov 14 23:46:06 CET 2009

Am Samstag, 14. November 2009 schrieb oldcpu:
> The nominal packman packaged applications (xine, vlc, MPlayer)
>  currently only provide static when playing audio from .wma files in
>  openSUSE-11.2.

xine and vlc use the ffmpeg packages to decode. MPlayer uses it's own, 
included ffmpeg version. For both we also do have the windows dll's are 
also available: http://packman.links2linux.de/package/w32codec-all

> This also means .wmv files have static, and some web sites that
>  stream .wma also result in only static being heard.

Hm, "xine http://streams.br-online.de/bayern1_1.asx" plays fine. Other 
wma/wmv files I was able to play in the past, also work.

> Is it possible to investigate the availability of the .wma codec for
> openSUSE-11.2 ?

There shouldn't be a difference to older openSUSE versions. Can you give 
as a example (url pleace, no xxx MB file to the mailinglist) file that 
worked in the past and doesn't play now.

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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