[packman] jack-0.116.x and jack2 (aka jackmp)

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Fri Jan 2 13:30:04 CET 2009

Am Freitag, 2. Januar 2009 schrieb Steffen Klein:
> Hi
> Any info on what, why happened to the current jack 0.116.1 and jack2
> packages and when we can expect new packages?

the reason I dropped those packages from the packman repo is simple:

you should read the whole thread :)

and as long as such people can post such messages on official mailing-lists, 
and none of the audio-gurus there (I've packaged most of their programms for 
openSuSE) does nothing against or bann such persons I have no interest at all 
to provide such packages for the moment.

> BTW: Is anyone working ffado?
> Regards,
> Steffen

have fun

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