[packman] Audacity in SuSE10.3

jpff jpff at codemist.co.uk
Sun Feb 8 10:01:03 CET 2009

The latest version seems to run OK; sorry for the paper chase
==John ffitch
>>>>> "Detlef" == Detlef Reichelt <detlef at die-mafia.de> writes:

 Detlef> Am Sat,  7 Feb 2009 11:09:03 +0000
 Detlef> schrieb jpff <jpff at codemist.co.uk>:

 >> When started the disk runs, but then stops and there is no
 >> window. Just sits there until I ^C 

 Detlef> please start audacity in a shell and mail the output/error messages.

 Detlef> Detlef

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