[packman] [PM] ufo2000 0.7.1086 (openSUSE 11.0/x86_64)

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Mon Oct 20 18:14:54 CEST 2008

Am Montag, 20. Oktober 2008 schrieb Michal Smrž:
> Hello Toni
> I have trouble with ufo2000 package.
> In x86_64 i falls just after start by:
> *** buffer overflow detected ***: ufo2000 terminated
> And in i586 version it stops on error with allegro library.
> Sorry, I could not give more detailed information, except backtrace.

which allegro packages are installed ?
==> rpm -qa | grep alleg

if the release number of the installed packages are not from packman, use the 
packman packages, all 11.1 builds are linked against the packman packages.

have fun

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