[packman] packman repo issues with openSUSE 11.0 continued

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Thu Oct 2 08:05:24 CEST 2008

Am Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008 schrieb Hans-Peter Jansen:
> Hi,
> next system, next issues:
>   file /usr/lib/liboil-0.3.so.0 from install of liboil0-0.3.15-0.pm.1
> conflicts with file from package liboil-0.3.14-18.1
> # zyp se -s liboil*
> Lese installierte Pakete...
> S | Name                | Typ   | Version       | Architektur | Repository
> --+---------------------+-------+---------------+-------------+------------
>------ i | liboil              | Paket | 0.3.14-18.1   | i586        |
> openSUSE-11.0-FTP
>   | liboil-devel        | Paket | 0.3.15-0.pm.1 | i586        | Packman
>   | 11.0 RPMs liboil-devel        | Paket | 0.3.14-18.1   | i586        |
>   | openSUSE-11.0-FTP liboil-doc          | Paket | 0.3.15-0.pm.1 | i586   
>   |     | Packman 11.0 RPMs liboil-doc          | Paket | 0.3.14-18.1   |
>   | i586        | openSUSE-11.0-FTP liboil0             | Paket |
>   | 0.3.15-0.pm.1 | i586        | Packman 11.0 RPMs liboil0-debuginfo   |
>   | Paket | 0.3.15-0.pm.1 | i586        | Packman 11.0 RPMs
>   | liboil0-debugsource | Paket | 0.3.15-0.pm.1 | i586        | Packman
>   | 11.0 RPMs
> # rpm -q --provides -p
> /srv/packman/11.0/i586/liboil0-0.3.15-0.pm.1.i586.rpm liboil = 0.3.12
> liboil-0.3.so.0
> liboil0 = 0.3.15-0.pm.1
> liboil0 seem to miss the usual Provides|Obsoletes: liboil lines.
NO, won't be fixed.

file a bug against the SuSE package, it is NOT following the SuSE-shared 
library policy, they have published now three times a update of the liboil 
package without changing it to fullfill their own policy. I won't add 
everytime a new Provide/Obsolete statement in my package if the SuSE package 
is updated. Sorry. They have stated the policy and we try to follow it... 

>   file /usr/lib/libschroedinger-1.0.so.0 from install of
> libschroedinger0-1.0.5-0.pm.1 conflicts with file from package
> libschroedinger-1_0-0-1.0.0-2.1
same here, the SO-name of libschroedinger is 0 so IMHO our package is 
correct. ...

see here for more information on the shared library policy:

> Cheers,
> Pete

have fun

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