[packman] [PM] aMule 2.1.3 (openSUSE 10.3/i586)

Andrea Florio andrea at links2linux.de
Sun Jun 8 12:28:05 CEST 2008

kriko ha scritto:
> Hello!
> Could you please make amule-cvs package for opensuse 11.0?
> aMuleAdu (http://packman.links2linux.org/package/amuleadu-cvs)
> kademilla network is not working, unless you have a specific ISP, see
> this thread for more info:
> http://forum.adunanza.net/showthread.php?p=647798
that's normal because amule-adunanza is an amule mod that work well only
on Fastweb Users... http://www.fastweb.it/portale/

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