[packman] Lang files

Hendrik Maryns hendrik.maryns at uni-tuebingen.de
Fri Feb 1 17:31:52 CET 2008


I like your service, but one inconvenience bothers me: often, when you 
make a new package available, I cannot install it since there are 
failing dependencies for the corresponding lang file.  So my suggestion: 
whenever you upgrade a package, please provide a corresponding upgrade 
for the package-lang also.

Recently this happened with e.g. brasero and aqbanking.

Cheers, H.
(Answers may be in any of Dutch, German, English.)
Hendrik Maryns
Herrenberger Straße 40
D-72070 Tübingen
www.lieverleven.be     Hier kan iedereen wat van leren.
http://aouw.org        Art Of Urban Warfare

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