[packman] Mythmusic on openSUSE 11.1

Herbert Graeber herbert at graeber-clan.de
Sat Dec 27 14:59:40 CET 2008

Hi Robert!

Am Freitag 26 Dezember 2008 22:30:46 schrieb Robert Bell:
> After copying all my music to a fresh install of Myth, compilation
> albums do not show up in the Mythmusic tree list as such (all songs
> from compilation albums show up under each individual artist, not
> album_artist). I believe the bug is related to this bug/patch:
> http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/3697

This bug is rather old, reported and fixed 18 months ago.

> In mythconverg, music_albums table, artist_id is correctly pointed to
> "Various Artists" in the music_artists table, but compilation is set
> to 0 rather then 1.

Looks like there is a similar bug in the current version of mythmusic 
(0.21+fixes). It doesn't seem to be releated to the package. Please report it 


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