[packman] PPC packages for VLC for openSUSE 11.0

Manfred Tremmel manfred at links2linux.de
Thu Aug 21 20:05:18 CEST 2008

Am Donnerstag 21 August 2008 schrieb Jeremy Visser:

> It seems there are no PowerPC packages for VLC for openSUSE 11.0 in
> PackMan:
> http://packman.links2linux.de/package/vlc
> It lists PowerPC packages for openSUSE 10.3, but not 11.0.

I'm compiling the openSUSE 10.3 ppc packages on a PowerBook G3 with 266 
MHz. I don't have the resources to build packages for more then one 
SUSE version. It often compiles 24 hours a day, to keep 10.3 ppc 
packages up to date.

> Can something be done about this?

As Peter has written, he is not able to put his packages easyly into the 
packman repository, so take a look at his repo.

Machs gut    | http://www.iivs.de/schwinde/buerger/tremmel/

Manfred      | http://packman.links2linux.de/

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