[packman] TOra 1.3.22 for openSUSE 10.3

Carlos Cristóbal Sabroe Yde cris at cdc.unrc.edu.ar
Wed Oct 10 20:13:02 CEST 2007

Hi, I've upgraded mu openSUSE 10.2 to 10.3 and found problems with the TOra 
application from this repository.
Apparently it was compiled to use libqscintilla and openSUSE 10.3 ships with 

This is the error:

tora: error while loading shared libraries: libqscintilla.so.6: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory

Thanks a lot for you effort!
Cristóbal Sabroe Yde
cyde at cdc.unrc.edu.ar
Tel.++54 358 4676183

Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Soporte Técnico - Centro de Cómputos
Ruta 36 km. 601
X5804BYA - Rí­o Cuarto, Córdoba

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