[packman] Pakanto - a new cross-distribution package description project

Daniel Arnold arnomane at gmx.de
Thu Jun 28 14:03:20 CEST 2007


I run a (currently) small project dedicated to improve/write genric 
distribution agnostic package descriptions ready for reusage for all Linux 
distributions at http://pakanto.org.

Why doing such a project? Often software package descriptions are poor 
quality: If you search for functionality ("web browser") and not application 
names ("Konqueror") in your package manager of choice it is crucial to have 
non-geeky and localised package descriptions (e.g. Germans are searching 
for "Textverarbeitung" and not "office" or "word processor") otherwise you 
often will find nothing or the wrong packages.

That's what the collaborative Pakanto wiki wants to solve once and for all. 
However this is *not* an online knowledge base like Wikipedia but just a 
collaborative platform for writing package descriptions that can be embedded 
for offline usage in current software packages.

My first goal was providing decent package descriptions for KDE packages until 
the first beta release of KDE 4.

Now I can already provide quite some (KDE-) package descriptions in English 
and German (see http://pakanto.org/wiki/KDE and 
http://pakanto.org/wiki/Category:Packages) and am asking you wether you are 
interested using these sample package descriptions for your packages. But 
even if this might not be the case at the moment - any constructive critics 
and improvements directly in Pakanto are welcome in order to meet your 
requirements in the future.

If you're interested in the project you maybe want to have a look at these 
pages, too:

The project is work in progress as everything so I'd be really interested 
in some feedback about it.

Cheers, Daniel Arnold / Arnomane

P.S.: Please add me in CC as I am not subscribed to the packman list.
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