[packman] Re: [PM] pulseaudio 0.9.8 (openSUSE 10.3/i586)

Toni toni at links2linux.de
Mon Dec 24 15:08:18 CET 2007

Am Montag, 24. Dezember 2007 schrieb Schlomo Schapiro:
> Hi Toni,
> I see your point, and there does not seem to be a bug report at Novell yet.
> I'll happily open one and persue the issue, but for 10.3 nothing will ever
> change in this regard as Novell cannot change the package layout after the
> release. Otherwise I would also expect the vendor to stick to their own
> policies :-)
> BTW, pulseaudio is not from buildservice but actually part of openSuSE 10.3
> itself:
> geni:~ # rpm -qi pulseaudio
> Name        : pulseaudio                   Relocations: (not relocatable)
> Version     : 0.9.6                             Vendor: SUSE LINUX Products
> GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany
> Release     : 39                            Build Date: Tue Sep 25 22:53:32
> 2007 Install Date: Sun Dec 16 19:37:43 2007      Build Host: g32.suse.de
> Group       : System/Sound Daemons          Source RPM:
> pulseaudio-0.9.6-39.src.rpm Size        : 1033736                         
> License: GPL v2 or later, LGPL v2 or later
> Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Tue Sep 25 22:56:02 2007, Key ID a84edae89c800aca
> Packager    : http://bugs.opensuse.org
> URL         : http://pulseaudio.org

> And on my installation source:
> lucky:~ # find /media/install/suse10.3/ -name \*pulse\*
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/i586/libao-pulse-0.9.3-32.i586.rpm
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/i586/pulseaudio-0.9.6-39.i586.rpm
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/i586/pulseaudio-devel-0.9.6-39.i586.rpm
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/i586/alsa-plugins-pulse-1.0.14-41.i586.rpm
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/i586/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.6-39.i586.rpm
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/x86_64/pulseaudio-0.9.6-39.x86_64.rpm
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/x86_64/libao-pulse-0.9.3-32.x86_64.rpm
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/x86_64/pulseaudio-devel-0.9.6-39.x86_64.rp
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/x86_64/pulseaudio-libs-0.9.6-39.x86_64.rpm
> /media/install/suse10.3/oss/suse/x86_64/alsa-plugins-pulse-1.0.14-41.x86_64
oops, yes, you're right :)
I thought you meant the pulseaudio from the build-server repository.

> Therefore in this special case I would suggest that you actually do change
> the PM packages to simply "obsolete" pulseaudio. For example
> geni:~ # rpm -q --requires alsa-plugins-pulse | grep pulse
> pulseaudio
> libpulse.so.0
> and this is also a package that is not provided by PM but only by SuSE ...
I'll look what can be done to obsolete the pulseaudio-libs package, this is 
the "bad" boy in this game .. perhaps if I provide a empty "virtual" 
pulseaudio-libs package only with the same version number, or this package 
pulls in the splitted off libpulse* packages. 

> I actually read the list messages you sent me, but I don't understand why
> everybody there talks about pulseaudio not beeing part of SuSE 10.3 ... ???
yes, my fault. see above, I looked only at 10.2 and lower versions.

> Regards,
> Schlomo
have fun and a Merry Christmas

> PS: I am talking to you basically because I think that packman should work
> as an add-on to SuSE and allow users to easily improve their SuSE
> installation. Education Novell is probably easier through other channels
> than by inconveniencing users and I will be happy to assist with that
> mission.
hm, I don't think so, they publish policies etc, but if you look at the actual 
10.3 tere are a lot of packages not following this policy: jack, lash, etc 
and this makes it hard for us to find the golden middleway ... most of our 
lib packages are adapted to the new policy and I'll hope that this will be 
improved in the next version. The problem is often, a lot of rebuilding has 
to be done if only one lib changes, and this is hard to coordinate, as we 
have often limited time to do...

> PPS: Maybe we can continue this discussion on
> https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=350605 ? Then the correct
> people at Novell can be also involved ...
Ok, I have a account there, so I'll see what's going on :)


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