[packman] normalize rpm building problem

Peter Czanik pczanik at fang.fa.gau.hu
Thu Mar 23 19:57:25 CET 2006


Henne Vogelsang wrote:
> Hm thats sad. Missing BuildRequires are packaging bugs and should be
> fixed.
I can't find the exact arguments any more, but it was something like 
that: package names change from SUSE version to SUSE version, and the 
easy way is to avoid this confusion is not using it. Some custom hacks 
were also mentioned. And that y2pmsh is dumb anyway :-) I'll try y2pmsh 
again for 10.1 next week.

> Anyway, you have a login dont you (at least you appear in the packager
> selection in the admin frontend)? Then you have access to the svn. Just
> fix stuff there please.
Then I'll need to look for my login info. I last used it before my 
packman build partition was lost. But anyway, I'm a bit afraid from 
modifying other packagers spec files, as I'm not a programmer (if we 
don't count coding measurement control an data collection in Delphi & 
Lazarus...). I only used SVN check out, my check in goes to bugzilla ;-) 
I better send you feedback by e-mail, as I know enough English to fix 
some simple C and spec files, but it's more like curing symptoms, than 
knowing the source of problems. Bye,


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