[packman] catch 22

Peter Czanik pczanik at fang.fa.gau.hu
Tue Mar 21 14:02:53 CET 2006


Detlef Reichelt írta:
> Hi Peter,
> Am Dienstag, 21. März 2006 12:05 schrieb Peter Czanik:
>>> no, you have to rebuild libxine1 without libstk-support, install
>>> libxine-devel, build libstk, and finaly rebuild libxine1 with libstk.
>> Thanks. I just found it, as the libstk build was looking for libxine :-)
>> How can I disable libstk support? Just by commenting out any lines with
>> stk in libxine1.spec?
> jepp, you can also try first build libstk without libxine-support.
That did not work at all. Editing libxine1.spec proved to be a wrong
direction too, I have seen a completely new kind of error message :-) I
forgot to save it. The winning combination was to compile libxine1
first, with rpmbuild -ba --nodeps libxine1.spec, install it with
--nodeps, and thand compile libstk, install it, and than rebuild and
reinstall libxine1. I guess, it's something impossible with y2pmbuild...
I hope to roll out update packages later this week. I concentrate now on
my favorites, then will go on to rebuild those, which are already
available for PPC, and then to add some new packages. Bye,

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