[packman] conflict between VLC packages and some librairies

Detlef Reichelt detlef at die-mafia.de
Mon Dec 4 13:13:23 CET 2006

Hi Xacier,

Am Samstag, 2. Dezember 2006 03:00 schrieb Xavier:
> hello
> I write you this email to show you up a conflict between vlc package
> (and of course vlc-mozilla) and  the most recent librairies of libebml
> and libmatroska.
> To keep vlc I had to downgrade to 0.7.7-0 and 0.8.0-0 versions.

please send the error-messages.

> >rpm -q vlc vlc-mozilla libmatroska libebml
> vlc-0.8.5-2.pm.8
> package vlc-mozilla is not installed
> libmatroska-0.8.0-0.pm.0
> libebml-0.7.7-0.pm.0
> Most recent versions are there (libebml-0.7.7-1,libmatroska-0.8.0-1):

PM-version = 0.7.7 and 0.8.0
Your version = 0.7.7 and 0.8.0

Don't see the problem...


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