[packman] mkinitrd and cryptsetup problem

Christopher Laprise cprise at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 16:05:17 CEST 2006

Hi Gregory,

I used your revised mkinitrd script for a SUSE 10.1 encrypted root
partition. However I did not compile cryptsetup-luks as suggested in the
following Howto:

Instead, I installed this package from packman which yielded
'/usr/sbin/cryptsetup-luks' but NOT '/usr/sbin/cryptsetup'.

This prevented the boot process from coping with the encrypted
partition. I think its because the modified mkinitrd didn't recognize
the cryptsetup-luks command, and didn't display an error when cryptsetup
wasn't available. However creating a hard link for /usr/sbin/cryptsetup
allowed the script to do its job properly.

I'll leave it to you for deciding who/where a fix would be best made, as
I'm not sure whether the package or the script would be considered at
fault. :-)


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