[packman] kalbum

Catia Lavalle lavalle at theo3.physik.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon Nov 28 14:45:28 CET 2005

in the default suse distribution till suse 9.2 there was a pakage 
called "kalbum" which I found a GREAT "KDE 3 application that 
allows you to create albums from a collection of images and easily 
export the albums as a complete web site, etc ....." 
Unfortunatelly  from 9.3 this package  is not in the distro anymore and 
compile it everytime is a bit of a pain. 
I thought that PackMan would be the right  place to "offer" the rpm of this 
very nice tool for suse.
Well it's a suggestion .....

			catia lavalle

Dr. Catia Lavalle
 Institut fuer            Phone  :+49-711-685-5213
 Theoretische Physik III  Fax    :+49-711-685-5098
 Universitaet Stuttgart   e-mail :lavalle at theo3.physik.uni-stuttgart.de
 Pfaffenwaldring 57       
 D-70550 Stuttgart       

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