[packman] bmpx

Peter Czanik pczanik at fang.fa.gau.hu
Sun Nov 6 19:51:44 CET 2005

As you might have noticed from my earlier e-mails, I use y2pmbuild-10.0
exclusively to build Packman packages on openSUSE 10.0 PPC. Here is,
what I had to add to the bmpx.spec file to be able to compile it:

BuildRequires:  dbus-1 dbus-1-glib dbus-1-devel fam fam-devel taglib
taglib-devel curl-devel glib2 glib2-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel pango
pango-devel cairo cairo-devel libglade2 libglade2-devel


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