[packman] packman future

Hendrik Muhs Hendrik.Muhs at web.de
Thu Jan 9 15:17:26 CET 2003


english because CC

We have talked about it several times (Henne, me and maybe some others).

Now that the hardware problems are solved for some time, I would like to 
restart the discussion about future enhancements for packman.

1. We sholud become more international.
	than Karol and some others can contribute.

2.  Is the very complicated web-interface really necessary???
	all the information we have to fill in can be easily extracted from the 			
	rpm-Package, why not a automatic script, which runs as cron job every day 		
	and/or can be started by the web-interface for urgent fixes 

3.  specfile database
	for internal use it would be helpful to have a specfile-database somewhere 	 		
	for all our packages, in a private dir on the server or via CVS(via the 		

Any comments?

I offer my help for all the 3 topics.

Hendrik Muhs
Tel: 0049/3915693807
Mobil: 0049/1704053013
WWW: www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~muhs

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